Çerez Örnek


Ege University has many programs and structures for its students and society to combat poverty.

Ege University mentoring programs have opened university opportunities to the local community through training workshops. Details can be accessed from the relevant links below.


Free Courses Leading to Certificate or Award

Free Access to Facilities and Equipment

Free Access to Online Resources

Ege 3rd Age University

Universal Projects for Free Access to Online Resources

Ege University Department Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship

 Ege Technopark 


BiGG-Ege is a pre-incubation program in which we provide special support to entrepreneur candidates who want to establish a startup through the Individual Young Entrepreneurship Program, for which TUBITAK, as the official interface organization, provides 200,000 TL grant support. Within the scope of the TUBITAK Individual Young Entrepreneurship Program, in which Ege Teknopark A.Ş. is the official executive, the experience, competence and infrastructure of Ege Teknopark, nüvEGE, Ege University and EÜ EBİLTEM-TTO come together to provide end-to-end support to entrepreneur candidates under four main headings. provides.


What is Mentor-SEA?

​MentorSEA, as the.Ş. and Technology Development Zone Management Company ideEGE.TGB A.Ş. with the support of Ege University EBİLTEM-TTO. It has been prepared in cooperation with 1601 official implementer of TÜBİTAK, is under the coordination of Adana ÜSAM and Sabancı University İnovent A – TÜBİTAK to provide Mentor Trainings for Capacity Increasing in the Fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

At the end of this project, qualified mentors were trained to provide mentoring services to SMEs.

Within the scope of the 1601 Support Program for Capacity Increasing in the Fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; SMEs / entrepreneurs

a. Strategic Technology and Product Management

b. Special for Technology-Based Startups

  • value creation

  • Business model development

  • company management

  • Customer management

  • innovation management

  • Access to financial resources and investor relations

By analyzing the current situation in their fields, a qualified mentor pool of people who will provide mentoring services in line with their needs has been developed.





1.4.2 - Does your university as a body provide financial assistance to the local community assisting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses?


1.4.3 - Does your university as a body organise training or programmes to improve access to basic services for all?


1.4.4 - Does your university as a body participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions?

Ege Üniversitesi