Ethical sourcing policy
Ethical Sourcing Of Food And Supplies Policy
Created :2023
GPRO-030- Zero Waste Procedure
PB-003- Sustainable Procurement Policy
TS EN ISO 9001:2015, Testing and Analysis Services; Certificate Validity Date16.01.2027
TS EN ISO 9001:2015, Dairy and Bakery Production; Certificate Validity Date16.01.2027
TS EN ISO 9001:2015, Higher Education Services; Certificate Validity Date16.01.2027
TS EN ISO 14001:2015, Certificate Validity Date 17.02.2027
Ege University ensures that the food and other products supplied are obtained in a responsible and
sustainable manner, that the employees involved in their production are treated safely and fairly, and that
environmental and social impacts are taken into account in the resource use process. Committed to
advancing sustainability in ethical sourcing processes on campus, in the community, and globally.
Ethical sourcing: Considering the health, safety, and welfare of the personnel working within the institution,
the students served, the public, and its suppliers. It accepts fairness and transparency in its relations,
diversity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity in personnel, students, the public, and suppliers, and
confidentiality and confidentiality as its standards of conduct.
Ege University carries out the procurement of food and supplies in accordance
with the open tender procedures and principles of the institution operating in line with the
Public Procurement Law No. 4734 , the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018,
and the Savings Measures Circular published in the Official Gazette No. 31527. Central purchasing
processes through tendering by the Ege University Administrative and Financial Affairs Department
contribute to the economic sustainability of the process, and transparency is ensured by determining
the workflow process and organizational structure.
- Ege University's Food Purchasing Technical Specification,
- Meal Purchase Technical Specification
- Furniture Material Procurement Technical Specification,
- Stationery Goods Procurement Technical Specification
carries out its supply activities in line with the technical specifications it determines..
Tender and Purchasing Branch Directorate of Ege University
Administrative and Financial Affairs Department is responsible for all procurement processes
carried out at our university and checks that the supplied resources are provided within the
framework of ethical rules. A Sensitive Tasks List has been prepared for the work and transactions
carried out during the purchasing processes, shared with the staff and carried out meticulously. In
order to raise the awareness and awareness of the personnel working in the Purchasing Branch
Directorate on ethical sourcing, they are ensured to receive training on the
Public Procurement Law No. 4734 regularly every year and thus keep their knowledge up to date.
In addition, Ege University has an Internal Audit Unit that evaluates the effective, economical
and efficient use of all university resources, control, risk management and governance processes
impartially and independently.
Legislation on Rules and Procedures
Legislation Regarding Ege University Working Procedures And Principles
- Central Government Budget Law
- Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018
- Public Procurement Law No. 4734
- Public Procurement Contracts Law No. 4735
- State Tender Law No. 2886
- Regulation on Food Production and Sales Places
- Regulation on Goods Purchases, Inspection, Inspection and Acceptance Procedures
- Regulation on Food Hygiene
A sample Workflow diagrams and purchasing processes
Internal Audit System
Ege University Internal Audit Unit: It aims to contribute to the University's achievementof its strategic
goals by evaluating internal control, risk management, and governance processes in an impartial and
independent manner, in accordance with international standards, to use university resources effectively,
economically, and efficiently.
In Article 63 of the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018, Internal auditing is defined as
"an independent, objective assurance and consultancy activity to evaluate and provide guidance on whether
resources are managed according to the principles of economy, effectiveness, and efficiency to add value
and improve the work of the public administration," has become mandatory in public institutions, and internal
auditing is carried out by certified internal auditors. It has been stated that Internal Audit Unit Heads will be
established in public administrations, reporting directly to the top manager. In this context, 6 internal auditors
working in our office, one of whom is the president.
Accrual and Purchasing Branch Directorate
Within the framework of the Implementation Regulation of the Department of Medico-Social Health, Culture
and Sports of Higher Education Institutions, which came into force after beingpublished in the Official Gazette
dated 03.02.1984 and numbered 18301, our Directorate is responsible for purchasing all the needs of the units
affiliated to our directorate within the frame work of the provisions of the Public Procurement Law and in
accordance with the Public Financial Management and Control Law numbered 5018. It carries out the payment
document and accrual of expenses made in accordance with the norms of the Central Government Expenditure
Documents Regulation.